I notice lots of judging thoughts.
I notice lots of judging thoughts. It’s really frustrating to me and I don’t know what to do about it.
Surprisingly, you don’t need to do anything about the judging thoughts. Just notice you’re having them. As you begin to notice them without fighting them, your relationship to those thoughts will change. And that’s when they start to go away. If you try to order your mind to stop judging, it will just judge more. If you just pay attention and “see” the judgments, they will begin to melt away.
Developing the willingness to let thoughts and feelings be what they are is critical to the practice of mindfulness. If you’re judging, you’re judging. No big deal. Letting go of an agenda and not striving all the time to make things different. Cultivating feelings of patience and kindness. All of these attitudes will contribute to your sense of well-being as you increasingly keep your attention focused on the present moment. Seeing things as they are and being willing to accept each moment as it is, does not mean living a life of passive resignation. It is only through clearly seeing each moment as it is that we develop balance and wisdom, which then leads to effective actions that can result in positive change.