I could think of things to be grateful for, but I didn’t feel grateful because I was down.
This week, it was hard for me to think of a gratitude because I was kind of down. I could think of things to be grateful for, but I didn’t feel grateful, so I didn’t fill in the log. I didn’t think I should fake it.
We would just encourage you to go ahead and take note of the things that are pretty good in your life, even if in the moment you don’t actually feel a sense of gratitude.
The point of the exercise is to bring your awareness to some of the good things in your life, regardless of how much gratitude you feel at that particular time. It’s okay if it’s just a cognitive exercise, without a lot of emotional impact. Sometimes you may notice nice, warm, fuzzy feelings of thankfulness. Other times, you may feel grumpy and unhappy despite identifying several things in your life that you could feel grateful for.
As with all our mindfulness practices, we’re not trying to force any particular feeling. We just want you to bring awareness to some of the positive aspects of your life. Be willing to observe and accept whatever response arises.