
Exciting Update: Formerly Koru Mindfulness, We’re Now the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (MIEA).

How can we help?

Welcome to the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults!

The name of our organization ("the Center for Koru Mindfulness") is now "Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults".

Reasons for the Name Change

  1. Though we love the name “Koru”, it does not serve us well when administrators in higher education - our primary market - see it. It does not make it clear that we are recognized as the primary provider for evidence-based mindfulness training for the population they serve: emerging adults.
  2. We have grown a lot, but there is much more work to do. A name that is more in line with our mission, and doesn’t have to be explained to be understood, will support our growth more broadly.
  3. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we feel a tug of unease about the cultural sensitivity of our name. We occasionally hear from teachers who are fielding questions from students who are concerned about the appropriateness of our use of the word "koru". It is inconsistent with our values to cause harm or discomfort in any way to anyone if we can avoid it. So we feel we need to make an effort to avoid it.


Starting August 1, 2023, our organization will be officially known as the "Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults". Our curriculum name, "Koru Basic", "Koru 2.0", and "Koru Retreat" is changing to "Intro to Mindfulness", "Intro to Mindfulness, Part 2", and "Intro to Mindfulness Retreat" by January 1, 2024.

What's Not Changing

Our founders, owners, staff, trainers, mission, and vision remain the same. We will continue to offer teacher training and support as always, building a community of teachers and students who embody curiosity and kindness.

Thank you for being part of our journey as we transition to the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (Formerly known as Koru 😀).

Illustration of two people with arms around each other reflecting community

Stay Informed and Inspired

Sign up for valuable insights, updates on programming, research, tips, inspiring stories, and stay connected to the world of mindfulness education.

By sharing your email, you agree to receive emails from MIEA and consent to the use of your information as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We are committed to your privacy and will never sell your information.

You can opt out of our communications anytime by using the unsubscribe link provided in our emails.

Illustration of two people with arms around each other reflecting community

Your Path to Certification

  1. Start Your Journey
    A commitment to a regular meditation practice and experience in teaching or facilitating groups enhances your foundation before applying. If you do not have any mindfulness experience, begin with our 5-week introductory course, Fundamentals.
  2. Certification Workshop
    Participate in our immersive workshop, available both in-person and online, covering the unique challenges of 18-30-year-olds, curriculum research, and teaching strategies.
    Psychologists can earn 18 APA-approved CE credits.
  3. Practical Experience
    Teach three student courses, applying your knowledge in real-world settings, supported by ongoing consultations with MIEA faculty.
  4. Portfolio Submission
    Demonstrate your mastery through a portfolio that includes student evaluations, a reflective essay, and evidence of participating in a mindfulness meditation retreat.
  5. Maintain Certification
    Certified teachers are encouraged to sustain their certification with an annual fee. This fee guarantees access to MIEA's evolving resources, ongoing support, and professional development.
Illustration of two people with arms around each other reflecting community

Stay Informed and Inspired

Sign up for valuable insights, updates on programming, research, tips, inspiring stories, and stay connected to the world of mindfulness education.

By sharing your email, you agree to receive emails from MIEA and consent to the use of your information as outlined in our Privacy Policy. We are committed to your privacy and will never sell your information.

You can opt out of our communications anytime by using the unsubscribe link provided in our emails.

Siddhant Babla

MIEA Trainer
Wellbeing Program Coordinator, Dartmouth College

Siddhant Babla brings his expertise in education studies and mindfulness to Dartmouth College as the Wellbeing Program Coordinator. With a Master's degree from KU Leuven in Belgium and training as a Certified Yoga Instructor from the Yoga Institute in Mumbai, Sid collaborates with campus offices to cultivate student wellbeing through evidence-based programs.

With an Economics degree from the University of London and a background in finance, Sid pivoted towards his passion for mindfulness, which he has been teaching since April 2023.

Mindfulness Journey

Sid was drawn to mindfulness from a young age, finding solace and strength in the practice amidst personal suffering and life challenges.

Connection to MIEA

Sid appreciates MIEA for its structured, evidence-based curriculum that enables him to address a broad spectrum of mindfulness concepts, making them accessible to diverse student populations.

Teaching Highlights

For Sid, teaching MIEA has been deeply gratifying. He relishes the chance to refine his instructional skills and witness the profound effects on his students.

"The most rewarding part has been the transformational impact it has had on the students."

Vision as a Trainer

Sid aims to support and collaborate with mindfulness teachers nationwide, contributing to the wellbeing and mental health of college students. He believes in a systematic approach to mindfulness training as a cornerstone for building a culture of prioritized mental health and wellbeing on campuses.

"At a time when students on college campuses across the nation and world are in need, being in community with teachers who are supporting them will be a tremendous learning opportunity in understanding the ways wellbeing and mental health for emerging adults can be transformed.

"In my experience working with administrators and leadership across a college campus, it has become clear that supporting the mental health and wellbeing of students through mindfulness based practices requires a systematic approach.

"Individual and group based mindfulness training programs are crucial in building personal and interpersonal self-awareness skills.

"Training facilitators to bring mindfulness based practices to different stakeholders is key in creating a culture where wellbeing and mental health is a priority and being a MIEA Trainer will allow me to realize this vision.

Book: The Mindful Twenty-Something by Holly Rogers

Download Chapter 1 of The Mindful Twenty-Something

Begin your mindfulness journey with a free chapter from “The Mindful Twenty-Something” by Holly Rogers, a book praised by Sharon Salzberg for its accessibility and usefulness.

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Hang Tight!

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Dylan Scott

MIEA Trainer

Dylan Scott is currently based in Berlin, Germany. He was born and raised outside Philadelphia, PA, and holds a B.S. in Exercise Science and Sports Psychology from Ithaca College. During his time at Ithaca, Dylan found mindfulness meditation to be a transformative resource in his struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. Upon graduating, Dylan moved back to Philadelphia and immersed himself in mindfulness courses at Pennsylvania University and Thomas Jefferson University as well as several retreats. He went on to receive extensive teacher training through the Myrna Brind Center for Mindfulness at Jefferson, completing their Practicum in MBSR for Professionals and an internship in MBSR. When Dylan came across MIEA he saw the perfect opportunity to offer mindfulness practice back to new generations of college students and jumped at the chance to join a teacher training in October 2018.

Dylan has offered MIEA's Intro to Mindfulness curriculum to medical students and house staff through the counseling center at Jefferson. He is now finding new opportunities to bring MIEA abroad to Berlin. He is also a passionate organizer of Berlin's WakeUp Sangha based in the Plum Village tradition founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh. Outside of teaching mindfulness, Dylan feeds his passion for music by producing and DJing under the moniker Chirop and has his own freelance audio engineering business.

Tim Auman, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Tim Auman

MIEA Trainer

Timothy L. Auman became the University Chaplain to Wake Forest in August of 2003. Tim has over two decades of experience in ministry in higher education, pastoral care, and work with religious, secular, and spiritual identity. At Wake Forest, Tim aims to build relationships amidst difference, and to cultivate healthy contemplative and mindful practices for the transformation of self and world. He previously served as the United Methodist Ecumenical Campus Minister at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and as a pastor of two United Methodist congregations.

Tim created the MindfulWake program at Wake Forest in January of 2017. He began his mindfulness practice in 1985 as a way to reduce stress and credits mindfulness as key to his emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Tim practices in the Plum Village Tradition of Engaged Buddhism and will be ordained into the Order of Interbeing in April of 2020. He practices with the Planting Seeds Sangha of Chapel Hill and the Winston-Salem Community of Mindful Living.

Within a few months of learning about MIEA, Tim knew that he wanted to share this practice with his students. That would become an important part of his life’s work at Wake Forest. Eventually, faculty and staff started to ask Tim to teach them what he was discovering. They wanted to share the practice of mindfulness, just as Tim did. But as demand increased, Tim stumbled upon the idea of becoming a MIEA Trainer. A crazy idea at first, but being a teacher and practitioner at heart, he decided to give it a go. Tim believes that when you’re teaching with joyfulness and playfulness, you’re not just talking mindfulness...you’re living mindfulness.

Roger Mancastroppa, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Roger “Mac” Mancastroppa

MIEA Trainer

Roger “Mac” Mancastroppa has earned a MS in Education, a MA in Theological Studies and a BS in History. He taught history and religion for over a decade before joining the University of Richmond where he serves as the Associate Director of the Academic Skills Center. Mac is in his 9th year assisting students individually and collectively with academic and life skills development. He helps students transition to a mindfully engaged learning style where they conceptualize information through meta-cognitive and executive functions. He also leads a weekly meditation session on campus known as Mindful Mondays.

Mac’s personal mindfulness and meditation practices began during counseling and therapy for PTSD after exiting the military. His initial training began with a psychologist who practiced Buddhism and taught him the samatha that occurs with the vipassana practice. He began to integrate it into his work by using the CD’s by Jon Kabat-Zinn as a companion to his book "Full Catastrophe Living," over and over again with students. He now works with students, faculty, staff, local non-profits, churches, and offers keynotes on mindfulness and meditation, and is one of the co-leaders of a faculty learning community that brought MIEA to the university.

Mil Witt, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Mil Witt

MIEA Trainer

Mil Witt is a licensed PhD clinical psychologist and Psychology Training Director at the University of North Carolina’s Counseling and Psychological Services in Chapel Hill, NC (UNC-CAPS). Mil is passionate about working with emerging young adults in university settings. In addition to mindfulness, her professional interests include college mental health, the training and supervision of future clinicians, multiculturalism and diversity, and journal writing as a meditative practice. Prior to joining UNC-CAPS in 2014, Mil worked at the college counseling centers at UNC-Greensboro and Duke, and worked with medical students at The Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Mil was in the inaugural class of MIEA Teachers in 2013 and has been a Certified MIEA teacher since 2015. Her meditation journey started in the mid-1990s with her first meditation teacher and mentor Dr. Ronna Rachel Weiss, and followed with mindfulness trainings and practice at the Cape Cod Institute and at Duke Integrative Medicine.  Mil is excited to work with, support, inspire, and mentor new MIEA teachers, especially those working with students of color. A proud first gen Haitian American from New York City, Mil lives in Carrboro, NC with her family. Mil is an avid tennis player and enjoys dancing, musical theatre, crochet, the beach, and spending quality time with family and friends.

Karen Newton, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Karen S. Newton

MIEA Trainer

Karen S. Newton served as Director of Health Promotion & Wellbeing in Campus Health Services from 2007 to 2018 as her team implemented a resilience framework to support the academic persistence and personal wellbeing of University of Louisville students. Inspired by her personal experiences with mindfulness and mediation practices through many years of her life’s ups and downs, Karen added MIEA Intro to Mindfulness courses, retreats, and drop-in Relax & Refocus sessions in 2015.  Karen has also directed healthcare access initiatives for the University of Louisville and at The Healing Place Recovery. Karen graduated from San Diego State University and completed her Master of Public Health degree in community health promotion and nutrition science at Loma Linda University, CA.

Karen’s current life is focused on her purpose and what she loves: family, travel, practicing, and teaching. She teaches MIEA's Intro to Mindfulness and other courses at the Earth & Spirit Center Meditation School; Speed Art Museum; and her MIEA-based 14-week Mindfulness for Stress Resilience course at the University of Louisville College of Education. She is collaborating with University of Louisville colleagues to develop a research agenda to study MIEA's curriculum.

Karen’s public health point of view and personal perspective resonates with MIEA's commitment to social justice. Karen is committed to doing all she can to further the adoption of MIEA's Intro to Mindfulness courses in a variety of settings.

Erica Alexander, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Erica Alexander

MIEA Trainer

Erica Alexander, flutist and music educator, has taught music and mindfulness in private and group settings for over 20 years. She has a Masters in Music Education (MME) with all-level teaching certification.

Erica is the founder and director of The Open Wings School which specializes in helping busy people find a lasting sense of calm in their lives and discover their own inner musicians. Among her most popular offerings are Be the Music workshops which incorporate Native American inspired flutes and meditation

Erica is currently enrolled in the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield.

She has loved working with MIEA for the past 5 years, teaching in local high schools and non-profit organizations and reviewing teacher portfolios.

Erica lives in Durham, NC, and enjoys hiking, swimming, gardening, and listening to and playing music from all over the world.

“It is clear that the only way to truly change our world is through teaching compassion…We must teach people, especially our youth, the source of happiness and satisfaction. We must teach them the ultimate source of happiness is within themselves.” 

–The Dalai Lama, The Book of Joy
Chase Giroux, Koru Mindfulness Trainer

Chase Giroux

MIEA Trainer

Chase Giroux began her career in residential care for youth, followed by support work in an educational setting for children with behavioral health challenges. After attaining her Mental Health Counseling degree, she became a therapist trained in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She currently supervises an Intensive Care Coordination program, where she also provides agency-wide trainings and mindfulness practices.

After spending time in Buddhist Monasteries, practicing Mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, Chase was inspired to make this beautiful practice accessible to as many people as possible. Trained in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and certified in the MIEA model, Chase now works hard to share this practice in a more secular context. This program will deepen and expand these efforts by supporting practitioners in sharing and teaching the practice themselves.

Chase lives with her family in Northampton, Massachusetts, where she can be found both playing and coaching sports in her community.

Bibi Gnagno, MIEA Trainer

Bibi Gnagno

MIEA Trainer

Bibi Gnagno is an educator and wellness advocate. Ms. Gnagno has been working with MIEA since 2016. She first began practicing meditation at church at the age of 14. While completing a law degree, she embraced mindfulness at a deeper level to cope with the daily stress of school. Bibi has taught mindfulness classes at the university level and infuses mindfulness in her interactions with students but also in her daily life.

Currently, she is the Dean of Restorative Practices at Eagle Rock School and Professional Development Center. Prior to that role, she was one of the Directors of Academic Engagement for Global and Civic Opportunities at Duke University’s Academic Advising Center and the former Coordinator for Student Development at Duke University’s Women’s Center, where she focused on gender equity through the creation of experiential programming and training that emphasizes community building, empowerment, men’s engagement, activism, and civic engagement.

Her work outside of the office explores telling stories through film using a social justice lens. She also leads workshops on wellness through reflection, movement, and healing foods.

Vivien Roman-Hampton, Director of Teacher Retention

Vivien Roman-Hampton

Outreach & Teacher Development Coordinator / MIEA Trainer

Vivien Roman-Hampton is a LICSW in Massachusetts who trained to be a MIEA teacher in New York in 2018. She uses mindfulness in her clinical practice where she focuses on emerging adults from marginalized communities. The transformation she has seen as she introduces MIEA classes to these young people motivated her to become a MIEA trainer.

She believes that her skills in meditation and mindfulness have enhanced her clients’ well-being as well as her own.

She has enjoyed facilitating MIEA's Social Justice circles online and connecting with teachers in her role as outreach and teacher development coordinator.

Prerequisites for becoming a Certified Mindfulness Teacher with MIEA

  1. Complete our Fundamentals Course*.
    Immerse yourself in our 5-week introductory course led by a highly trained MIEA Trainer. Experience our Intro to Mindfulness curriculum and gain insight into our philosophy of teaching mindfulness to college-aged adults.
  2. An ongoing personal practice, most days, for at least 6 months.
    To effectively teach mindfulness, it is essential to have a consistent personal practice.
  3. Teaching or Group Facilitation Experience.
    Prior experience in teaching or facilitating groups is recommended. Our small group learning model forms the basis of our approach. Experience in this setting will be valuable.
  4. Diversity Experience.
    Experience working with diverse populations or participating in diversity training is strongly recommended. MIEA aims to bring mindfulness to a diverse range of communities. While we address this in our training program, additional experience is valuable.

*Acceptable alternatives to Fundamentals include MBSR, MBCT, MSC, training by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, formal mindfulness training with an experienced teacher, or attendance to multiple retreats.

Mindfulness for the Next Generation

Book: Mindfulness for the Next Generation by Holly Rogers and Maytan

This book, written by MIEA’ co-founder Holly Rogers and Margaret Maytan, is the essential text for those interested in teaching mindfulness to college students and other emerging adults. It is a required reading for teachers getting their certification.

Suit Fong Chan, Asia Pacific Regional Rep

Suit Fong Chan

Asia Pacific Regional Representative / MIEA Trainer

Suit Fong’s interest in mindfulness began more than twenty years ago when she attended her first meditation retreat in Nepal. In 2012, she made a life-changing decision to leave a global corporate career to pursue her passion, embarking on a continuous learning and teaching journey on evidence-based mindfulness programs. She finds the journey meaningful, transformative, and also nurturing.

Suit Fong is trained to teach mindfulness and compassion cultivation programs for children, young adults, and adults. She also facilitates and curates mindfulness programs to support families and individuals with additional needs in Singapore, where she lives with her family. It is now her life passion and learning, to serve and support others of different diversities, cultures, and (dis)abilities to learn to sit with ease with life’s discomforts, build mental resilience whilst practicing kindness to oneself and to others. Her current work involves working with women, youth, teenagers at risk, and those with special needs. As a MIEA trainer, she is very keen to help establish a cadre of professional mindfulness teachers in the Asia Pacific, so more emerging adults and youths in the Asia Pacific may benefit from the MIEA program.

Suit Fong is an accredited professional coach, and chartered accountant. She holds a Master's in Business Administration and a Master's Degree in Counseling.

The Mindful Twenty-Something: Life skills to handle stress… & everything else

The Mindful Twenty-Something by Holly Rogers

This book, written by MIEA co-founder Holly Rogers, is an essential guide to MIEA's curriculum, Intro to Mindfulness (formerly known as Koru Mindfulness). It is required reading for students and teachers getting their certification.

Jennie Dickson-Mills, MIEA Trainer and Director of Training

Jennie Dickson-Mills

Director of Training / MIEA trainer

Jennie is a psychotherapist and yoga/meditation teacher. She has over a decade of experience working in higher education, and thousands of hours of experience teaching yoga and mindfulness to people from a wide range of backgrounds. She received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from St. Mary’s College of Maryland in 2002 and a Master of Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2013.

Jennie’s clinical practice focuses on delivering experiential therapies through an anti-oppression and relational lens, with a specialized certification in Somatic Experiencing, a model that addresses trauma and its impact on nervous system regulation. Prior to opening her private practice in Chapel Hill, NC, in 2017, Jennie worked as a counselor at Duke University’s counseling center where she began teaching the MIEA curriculum to students. Alongside Holly and Libby, she began training MIEA teachers around the U.S. in 2014. Jennie spearheaded the first MIEA Train-the-Trainer Program in 2019 as Director of Training and immensely enjoyed growing the MIEA family of Trainers to support the growth of the program.

Contemplative mind-body practices transformed Jennie’s life and started her on her own path of healing and growth in her twenties. Since then, she has found deep comfort and inspiration in the wisdom traditions of yoga and Buddhism, which have helped form a bedrock of support on this ever-changing, complex human journey. As a new mother, she has opened to a new universe of opportunities to practice presence, gratitude, and curiosity. For more information about Jennie, check out her website at jenniedicksonmills.com.

Alex Brown, Director of Operations

Alex Brown

Director of operations / MIEA Trainer

Alex Brown developed his passion for practicing and sharing mindfulness in 2012 after participating in a guided meditation and having a transformative experience. Since then, he has sought to strengthen his love and compassion for himself and others through daily meditation, reading, and courses. He has an immense desire to help others do the same.

Alex is a native of Detroit, Michigan, loves spending time with his sons, family, and friends, and finds utter delight in dancing. He thoroughly enjoys helping people learn about the different ways in which they improve their overall health and wellbeing and his motto is “I live to serve.”

Holly Rogers, co-founder of Koru Mindfulness

Holly Rogers

Co-Founder of MIEA / Author

Holly is one of the developers of the Intro to Mindfulness curriculum and a co-founder of the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults (formerly known as the Center for Koru Mindfulness). She worked for over two decades as a psychiatrist at Counseling and Psychological Services, the student counseling center at Duke University where she developed strategies to help students incorporate the practice of mindfulness into their lives in a meaningful way.

Holly’s own mindfulness practice began more than 25 years ago when she had the good fortune to be taught and mentored by Dr. Jeff Brantley. Since that time, she has integrated the principles and practice of mindfulness into her clinical work with students and been continually inspired by the profound growth she has witnessed.

Holly is the co-author of Mindfulness for the Next Generation: Helping Emerging Adults Manage Stress and Lead Healthier Lives. She is author of The Mindful Twenty-Something, a handbook for young adults who wish to learn about mindfulness and meditation.

She lives in Durham, NC with her husband, dog, and two cats.

Libby Webb, co-founder of Koru Mindfulness

Libby Webb

Co-Founder of MIEA

Libby is a co-founder of the Mindfulness Institute for Emerging Adults. Before retiring in 2016, she was a licensed clinical social worker at Duke University’s Counseling and Psychological Service, and a Clinical Associate on the faculty of the Department of Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center.

She has been working with emerging adults since the early 90's and finds great significance in helping them explore the question of meaning at a time of life filled with such ambiguity.

Libby came to the practice of mindfulness through her early participation in the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program. Her meditation practice is built on the Vipassana tradition of mindfulness.

In addition to her interest in mindfulness, she also has a strong belief in the restorative benefits of small group work to illuminate the humanness of struggle. Libby lives with her family in Durham, NC and loves her adopted hometown. Most of her mindfulness lessons have been learned while cycling on the country roads surrounding her hometown.